Salawat in the Quran and Hadith


SKU: 99001

Salawat in the Quran and Hadith consists of five chapters. The first chapter explores the notion of remembrance (dhikr) in Islam and lays the foundations for exploring the meaning, functions and outcomes of salawat. The second chapter examines the notion of salawat in the light of Qur’anic verses. Different meanings of ṣalāt and its plural, ṣalawāt, are distinguished. The relation between salawat and divine salutations and blessings are discussed. It is also explained who are expected to receive salutations from Allah (swt) and His messenger along with a discussion about the benefits of sending salawat on the Prophet (s). The third chapter attempts to unpack the meaning of salawat. In addition to being a powerful and effective invocation, salawat is also a kind of greeting and prayer for and by the Prophet (s). The fourth chapter studies the significance of salawat in the light of Islamic narrations. Based on hadith, salawat brings light and forgiveness, helps with acceptance of supplications and removes hypocrisy from one’s heart. The fifth and final chapter asserts some methods and manners of sending salwat.

By: Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Ali Shomali | Softcover | ISBN: 9781915599001